NOT many people today will have the conviction to be trustworthy in their jobs. I can say this because Aniceto Iglesias and Nestor Basallo of  Lina’La Partners Saipan, returned my wallet that was lost on Sunday with all documents intact — bank account cards and most importantly, my driver’s license and health insurance card. They both deserve commendation.

At 8:45 a.m., Tuesday, May 30 at the American Memorial Park pavilion, Aniceto handed me back my wallet.

I accidentally dropped my wallet on Sunday morning in the tennis court parking lot. I only noticed my wallet was gone, when I reached home after four hours I left the tennis court. I drove back to where I could possibly left it. Desperately, I was not able to find my wallet. Besides, the place was all empty.

During the four hours since I left the tennis court area, I was helping my friends avail themselves of the free dental clinic service at SDA Dental on Quartermaster Rd. I was thinking I left my wallet there. So I came back that day, but to no avail. At the clinic everybody was gone. Free clinic was done.

But Aniceto and Nestor became my “angels” today. I would like to commend them for their honesty. It was such a nice feeling to be in a place with people who are honest.

Again, thank you. I am grateful. Praise God.


Pastor, Central SDA Church


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