I HAVE received several messages from friends in the US and Australia regarding a recently released military issued video regarding the development of the Divert Facility on Tinian.

At least three times, the video refers to the "Tinian International Airport."

Tinian does not have an international airport.  If it did, then Tinian could receive direct flights from Guam and elsewhere, which we cannot because of Customs and Border Control regulations. It has been Tinian's dream to have an international airport to feed its tourism industry, particularly when the Dynasty Hotel and Casino was active.  Indeed, the Dynasty was only constructed because Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio promised to build the airport if they built the casino.

Most everyone knows what happened. Governor Froilan pumped over  $100 million into lengthening the runway to accept 747, and we did receive a 747, although it was  leased by DoD for a training exercise.

Gov. Juan N. Babauta built a new terminal, which included all the TSA equipment.

However, the instrument landing system and refueling systems did not get built and incoming Governor Fitial dropped the ball.  Thus, the "new" departure terminal has never been used for departing international guests.

The people of Tinian are hopeful that the funds paid by DoD to the Commonwealth Ports Authority to construct the new Divert Facility will be sufficient to finish the job of turning the Tinian Commuter Terminal into the Tinian International Terminal, but that remains a few years away and, therefore, speculative.

Point is, Tinian does not have an international airport and the Commonwealth Ports Authority should cover the sign they constructed claiming it is an international airport. Then, the day Tinian receives its first internal flight with tourists on board, we can have a celebration at the unveiling of the Tinian International Airport sign.


Marpo Heights, Tinian

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