Carldrine Santos undergoes a workout session at BBJ Athletics.

Carldrine Santos undergoes a workout session at BBJ Athletics.

STAYING fit and healthy requires making some sacrifices, but rest is not one of them, National Academy of Sports Medicine personal trainer Jerry Diaz said.

“Everyone needs appropriate rest, especially serious athletes,” he added.

The amount of rest you get will determine your mood, training performance, and cognitive functioning throughout the day, Diaz said.

“Having enough rest will completely re-set  the mind and body, which will help prepare us for daily stressors,” he added.

Diaz said fitness plans should include a rest period to allow the mind and body to rebuild and recover.

Lack of rest can cause headaches, increased heart rate, a bigger appetite and impulsive decision-making.

To avoid yo-yo fitness or diet results, Diaz said one must stick to a sustainable daily fitness schedule that includes a plan for training, rest, recovery, and meal intake.

But there is a big difference between a proper amount of rest and a sedentary lifestyle, Diaz said. Too much rest usually results in weight gain, he added.

For professional fitness inquiries, contact Jerry Diaz through Instagram at @BBJ_Athletics or Facebook.

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